
The crop originally comes from the equestrian world. There it is used to spur the horse on with light blows. In the meantime, however, completely different uses have been discovered for whips of all kinds. Whips are a popular toy in the BDSM field. 

What is a crop used for?
The crop is a kind of percussion instrument. It can be used wonderfully in impact play. It is one of the SM toys used for punishment. Depending on which type of SM crop you choose, you can use it to deliver light, exciting blows or painful blows.

The crop is part of every dominatrix's standard equipment and is often the means with which she greets her subs. Blows are one possible use. But the crop can also be used to give strokes. So there are gentle and hard applications. You can get creative yourself and find out how you prefer to use the crop.

What types are there?
There are many different types of riding crop. A distinction is made between practical and decorative crops.

The practical crop
The practical crop is the normal riding crop. It is also called a jumping crop. It has a relatively short handle, an approx. 30 cm long flexible shaft and a small paddle / swatter at the end. Handy, practical, painful. Blows with such a crop cause a burning pain.

The decorative whip
The decorative whip is very individual. They are available in different lengths with different claps. The handle can also be beautifully decorated. The clapping itself can be in the shape of a heart or a hand, for example. The great advantage of such beautiful decorative whips is that they leave a beautiful imprint on bare skin. The effect is the same as with a conventional riding crop / leather crop.

The flap
A riding crop has a flap? What is a flap? In this case, lash is just another word for swat. The flap is what hits the skin when you strike it and leaves the corresponding marks. Depending on whether it is a simple or a beautifully shaped flap, the imprints can be very aesthetic. A heart-shaped imprint or an imprint in the shape of a rose can almost be described as a work of art.

What are the differences between the whips?
As already described, there are differences between crops. There are also crops in different lengths. The impact force depends on how long and flexible the rod is. Some crops are soft, others really sharp!

There are also differences in the material. Leather crops are the most common. But there are also plastic crops. The material makes a difference to the skin. Plastic feels different to the touch than leather.

Areas of the body where there is little muscle and you hit bones almost directly should also be avoided. Blows to the kidneys should also be avoided. The genital area may be worked on with the crop, but only gently. Only light strokes that leave no real pressure or pain are permitted. The crop may only be used with the intensity previously discussed with the bottom.

What should I look out for when buying?
If you want to buy a crop, take your time to look around. Do you want a small, handy crop that will give you burning pain? Or would you prefer a crop that hisses in the air and leaves beautiful marks on your skin?

What do you like better? Robust leather or simple plastic?
Beautiful handmade crops don't have to be hidden away, they can even be used as wall jewellery. Pay attention to the workmanship and quality of the materials when buying.


Sun, 16.06.2024 / 07:30

DE: Gerte
ARA: السوط
BGR: Whip
CHN: 马鞭
DNK: Pisk
EN: Whip
EST: Whip
FIN: Whip
FR: Cravache
GRC: Μαστίγιο
IDN: Cambuk
IT: Frusta
JPN: ホイップ
KOR: Whip
LVA: Pātagu
LTU: Whip
NL: Zweep
NOR: Pisk
PL: Bicz
PRT: Chicote
BRA: Chicote
ROU: Whip
RUS: Хлыст
SWE: Piska
SVK: Bič
SVN: Bič
ES: Látigo
CZE: Bič
TUR: Kırbaç
UKR: Батіг
HUN: Whip
